Saturday 26 July 2014

Art In Motion Auto Care's 1 Year Anniversary BBQ & Car Meet - Sept. 1, 2014

Monday September 1st, 2014
11:00am - 6:00pm

Art In Motion Auto Care
111 Orenda Road Unit #7
Brampton, ON


More Info: 
Art In Motion Auto Care - Facebook Page
Contact: Niroshan (647) 990-2461

1 comment:

  1. Dear Enlightenment, Foundation and GoodWill Groups and Pages!

    I am Andrei Pak and I am coming to you with a plea to help me make my poverty-less world come true for starters, no telling what we can do after. I am currently developing @Clowcadia: Light House Project to start promoting my dream and finding true followers to aid me on this journey of a dream, one of the reasons I am here. I believe the world is actually a lot more wealthier than we are aware, I just believe people who are jaded guarded for the wrong reasons and it's up to us to show them the compassion that will lead this people to use their resources for better reasons to find true happiness in being human. Once people recognize true happiness they can then join us in our dream. Making our dream possible by exponential opportunities and accomplishments.

    From childhood I was raised in third world country Uzbekistan and shortly begun my journey through Russia and Argentina to Canada while I have raised to be a very compassionate grandson. I have always found thrill in befriending those who had less than most because to me they seams stronger, rougher and in result bigger and cooler than the rest of the society. In my teenage years and recent journey to the streets I lived in shelters friends houses and had maintained my own accommodation from rooms to sharing a one bedroom with my counterpart. I have come to know my close friends as misunderstood jaded and some blinded by the fog of drugs are mental illnesses that have not been addressed and thus for not treated. I have tried my very best to be there for them, to step in their shoes to understand and the best to defend and speak for them but to free them from the misery that likes company I need to reach people like you and more throughout the world till my friends have been welcomed into society properly till they are enlightened till they no longer feel alone. My dream is a world without worries of our personal base necessities and needs so we can become people of a community people of enlightenment.

    Currently after my research from the streets I have recognized that the system in the world seems to avoid the real issues in our societies and puts more pressure on responsibilities and the currency that will flow the currently controlled market exchange. As human being we have forgot compassion due to fear of losing control of personal budget that has been corrupted and influenced by other extremities then the base needs creating greed that corrupts friendships and abandoned the once innocent in need like orphans. I have developed a system of compassion that oneself can refer ro, challenge and share for a greater world. @Clowcadia: Light House Project New World Order.

    I plead for your knowledge, compassion, power to sponsor me by creating a partnership where we can exchange ideas to achieve goals in parallel to the over-all greater good dream. By sharing and speaking my message whenever possible. By using your network to spread my proposal for more partners.

    My dream is in the very rough draft, I have much to expand on it to be more realistic and I need more resources to produce any possibilities to bring my people in need courage. I need your help to make this dream a reality based on the specialties and passions you have to offer the world. This dream is only a positive movement creating a chain reaction of exponential of beautiful possibilities. Not so dream after all.

    P.S. For Enlightened, Help me create the world of @Clowcadia: Light House Project Inspired by Shambhala Kingdom


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